The proyect
TORNADO project aims to contribute to the transition to a safe circular economy by influencing how products should be designed, produced, used or treated at their end-of-life.
New organic and hybrid free-toxic coatings with water and oil repellence following Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) criteria will be developed. The novel proposed coatings will be PFAS free.
TORNADO idea is to research and develop:
- Two new type of functionalized acrylated biomonomers with PDMS and POSS by two different chemical routes (acrylation and direct acrylation).
- To synthesized and formulate 2 new biobased coatings based on the functionalized biomonomers by two technologies, waterborne organic and hybrid coatings and hybrid sol-gel coatings.
Biomonomers and coatings will be scale up in an industrial environment. Coatings will be applied by different industrial processes depending on the industrial field. The two coatings will be validated in industrially relevant environments to obtain a performance at least identical to PFAS coatings in terms of water and oil repellence and tested according to the main textile, packaging and kitchenware specifications and requirements (waterproofness, oxygen barrier and durability, respectively).
The improvement in environmental performance and circularity of the new coatings will be assessed through environmental Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Cost, and social Life Cycle Analysis (LCA/LCC/s-LCA) of the proposed new coatings compared to traditionally used hazardous coatings. Computational tools will be developed for efficient interfacing with publicly accessible and accepted QSAR-models to facilitate ease-of-use in-silico prediction of required physiochemical properties, toxicological end-points and degradation.
Contact us
Coordinator: Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation (TECNALIA)
Address: Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edif. 700, 48160 Derio, Bizkaia (Spain)
Phone: +34-946-430850

International calls: (+34) 946.430.850.
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Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.